Subject RE: [IBO] IB_Grid / FieldVisible
Author Alan McDonald
ah - thought it was a query property - thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucas Franzen [mailto:luc@...]
Sent: Tuesday, 25 February 2003 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] IB_Grid / FieldVisible

Alan McDonald schrieb:
> BDE - still got some BDE apps I support...
> DisableControls - apparently not..but it works fine now
> Where is GridLinks?

TIB_Grid ( TIB_CustomGrid ) --> GridLinks

Helpfile copy&paste:

Applies to
Property GridLinks : TIB_StringList;
This property determines a custom list of fields that should be
displayed in the grid.

It orders the fields and thus overrides the TIB_Query.FieldsIndex

It allows the following syntax:
[< tablename >.]< columnname >
This is the simplest specification. The field will be visible in the
grid if the dataset provides it. Properties are taken from the
[< tablename >.]< columnname >=WIDTH=< width_in_pixels >
When WIDTH is specified, only the current grid is affected. The
underlying TIB_Column will remain unaffected, hence other grids won't be
[< tablename >.]< columnname >=ALIGN=< Left|Center|Right >
When ALIGN is specified, only the current grid is affected. The
underlying TIB_Column will remain unaffected, hence other grids won't be
impacted. Only the first letter is significative to specify the field
Of course, you can mix the two specifications, for example:

Beware the functionality has changed. In previous version, a field named
in this property that didn't exist in the dataset would cause an
incorrect exchange of fields when done visually on the grid with the
mouse. Now, the grid takes into account the GridLinks entries not found
in the dataset for all operations. So, you can switch at run-time
between datasources and the grid will adjust to the fields that only
exists in the new TIB_Query.

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