Subject Re: [IBO] Firebird support - how long will it last?
Author Lester Caine
> This question is directed more towards Jason, I guess.

There are a lot more of us using IB/FB <g>

> We are currently deciding whether we will use Interbase or Firebird as our
> base database. Interbase is supported by Borland, but costs money to
> install. Firebird is free, but doesn't have the commercial commitment to be
> here in a few years... It is my understanding that these two products will
> not support the same database format as they currently do.

Still having Interbase licences on the shelf, we switched to
Firebird some time ago, and at the same time a number of
niggles evaporated. I see no point in switching back, but at
the same time, I don't see at present any need to switch
from release we are currently using for the conciderable
future ( we are still running code writen pre 2000 <g> )

> This brings three main questions that will guide our decision to go either
> way...
> 1. If Firebird and Interbase start to diverge, will IBObjects continue to
> support both? If not, which database would probably be supported? (I
> assume interbase - but you never know)

I will be sticking with a Firebird base and I think Jason
will support that, but I could see a version split in IBO
some time in the future, at which time someone will be
supporting the Firebird arm.

> 2. Are there any gotchas to using Firebird right now? Can I simply install
> Firebird instead of interbase and run my app?

I don't know about the more recent Interbase releases, but
Firebird 1.0 works from the box - which previous IB6's did not.

> 3. What comments have people made after swapping between Interbase and
> Firebird?

My customers had reached a point where they were saying drop
Interbase, IBO+Firebird saved my bacon <g>

> Am I just worrying about nothing?

Probably, but I think that things such as .NET, C# and
Borland becoming a Microsoft house are probably more of a
worry, so having the source code to things we are using is
probably a very good idea.

> Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

The main point here is that as long as there is a group of
like minded people, working on the problems, then we can
move forward. But I would like to get the Linux version of
IBO working just to be on the safe side <bg>

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services