Subject Re: [IBO] Transaction Timeout w/Multithreaded app
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
Well Bjørge,

maybe I'm using an old version of IBO (4.2Hi), but there I only find one
property that will force the transaction to close. Moreover, ForceClosed is
set to false by default. But, I do remember that I once had trouble with a
query retrieving a large number of records one or two years ago. The first
100000 went OK, but then it started from scratch again continued - say -
until 120000 before starting again, the next round to 130000 and so ever
diminishing number of records before starting over. And I have seen one
other person experiencing the same thing on this list. However, if my
memory is correct, no-one managed to isolate what this was or make a simple
reproducible case. Maybe it is one of those things still lurking within IBO
that occationally bites - or maybe it disappeared when IBO 4 arrived. Maybe
your problem is similar to what I experienced, or maybe it is something
completely different. Are your troublesome procedure loading lots of
records, and what is your workaround?

If it is a genuine IBO problem, I'm sure Jason would love to get it
corrected, but I think he needs a lot more information. Timeouts are
generally a good thing, and I think it would be better to discover why it
interferes inappropriately than to provide another property as a workaround
(which is what I would consider UseTimeouts to be).

Svein Erling

At 11:19 20.02.2003 +0100, Bjørge Sæther wrote:
>It struck me that I had seen
>something with "tieout", and started investigating TIB_Transaction. I guess
>I found the error - a timeout value of 120 seconds !

and later he wrote:
>It seems like I've fixed it by now, but only with a workaround that I
>really don't fancy.
>Wouldn't a simple boolean property "UseTimeouts" or something like that be
>appropriate ?