Subject RE: [IBO] Lookup Combos OnChange, OnCloseup
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:52 PM 20/02/2003 +1100, you wrote:
>I suppose if you double dipped, then you would be double dipping... :-)
>I only want to do something once, but the inherited property, if it were set
>as expected, would give me the option of dipping once at the (non IBO)
>documented place or the IBO place.

The inherited property of what?

I think the Modified property of the polling key column is the right one to
go for. If you try to use, say, the AfterScroll event of the lookup
dataset, you won't be certain that the user actually modified the polling
column unless you test it as well, each time the lookup dataset's buffer
pointer moves.

I must say I'm struggling here to ascertain what your problem actually
is...what do you need to catch?
