Subject Re: [IBO] The registrations are not recording data when using TIB_Query
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
At 12:43 19.02.2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Please, me precise of urgent help in this case! I have been noticing
>that TIBOQuery is slower than TIB_Query, even so I have a database
>with the following fields:
>Cod (Double Precision)
>GrupoHistorico Varchar(60)
>Historical Varchar(60)
>NumberRef Varchar(40)
>Have I been noticing that the fields, even after the post the
>registrations are empty when I use TIB_Query, when do I record using
>TIBOQuery the data they are registered but is it very slow, what can
>be happening?

Not enough information to answer your question. However, I can propose a
solution that should work anyway: Use a TIB_DSQL component with the SQL
insert or update statement like "INSERT INTO MyTable(Cod, GrupoHistorico,
NumberRef) VALUES (:Cod, :GrupoHistorico, :NumberRef)", prepare the DSQL
(making sure it is connected to a TIB_Transaction and TIB_Connection or
maybe a TIBODatabase will do?), assign the values you want to insert like:
TIB_DSQL1.ParamByName('Cod').AsFloat:=159.95. Then call TIB_DSQL1.Execute
and finally make sure you commit.

But to give you a proper answer to your question, we would need a lot more
information (e.g. how slow is slow, what about transactions (how often do
you commit), some code showing how you insert using the
TIB_Query/TIBOQuery, what is your table structure and indexes and are there
other things possibly slowing things down (internet line, an old 80x86
computer, no RAM etc.).
