Subject Re: [IBO] Params in BCB
Author Helen Borrie
At 05:17 AM 18/02/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Does anyone know how to set the Params in BCB? Delphi developers can
> Query1.Params[0].AsString = "hello";
>but when I use:
> Query1->Params[0]->AsString = "hello"
>I get the message:
> [C++ Error] OneXML.cpp(313): E2288 Pointer to structure required
>on left side of -> or ->*
> (which points at the 0)

Isn't the problem that BCB doesn't recognise default properties? I think
with a TStrings, you need to specify the Strings[n] property explicitly, e.g.

Query1->Params->Strings[0]->AsString = "hello"

Sorry, can't test it, as I don't have BCB.
