Subject | Re: [IBO] TIBOQuery generating invalid SQL "under the hood" |
Author | Bjørge Sæther |
Post date | 2003-02-17T16:01:46Z |
"Helen Borrie" <helebor@...> skrev i melding
primary key that my settings require, there should not be an "Invalid token"
error message. No way. The problem with the missing primary key is actually
*almost* handled by the code, only that it doesn't take the SELECT * case
into account.
Why not just call it an error ?
From IBODataSet.pas:
procedure TIBODataset.InternalInitFieldDefs;
NewFieldDef :=
TFieldDef.Create( FieldDefs,
Required and not IsDefaulted, < OBSERVE !!
FieldNo + 1 );
The IsDefault property is the sinner here, as it leads to a call to
SchemaDefaultedCols - which in its turn makes a select call to retreieve
default values.
I believe Jason has allready acknowledged this bug.
BTW, it may be solved with the following modification:
Required and not (ReadOnly or IsDefaulted),
Bj�rge S�ther
> At 11:37 AM 17/02/2003 +0100, Bj=F8rge S=E6ther wrote:errors=
> > > >My SQL was like this:
> > > >
> > > >SELECT
> > > > *
> > > >FROM
> > > > INVOICE
> > > >
> > > >...and the trouble:
> > > >
> > > >Table INVOICE doesn't exist.
> > > >Or - it doesn't have a PRIMARY KEY.
> > >
> > > Well, these are two different problems.
> >
> >I know. But the error message has nothing to do with the underlying
> .The point is, when there is a problem with a table not existing or missing a
> Bjorge,
> Just to get back on the track and away from your (false) assumption that I
> was telling you
> select * from invoice was invalid sql...
> It is NOT what I was saying at all. You said the table INVOICE didn't
> exist. You also left KeyLinksAutoDefine set True for a select on a table
> with no primary key. What I told you (in the initial response) was an
> explanation for why IBO came out with the modified statement as it did. I
> tried to clear up your subsequent misapprehension but it seems to have
> gotten even more bogged down.
primary key that my settings require, there should not be an "Invalid token"
error message. No way. The problem with the missing primary key is actually
*almost* handled by the code, only that it doesn't take the SELECT * case
into account.
Why not just call it an error ?
> You said:a
> > I allready found one bug - a TIBOQuery requesting for default values in
> > readonly select. In this case I had an extra delay of some 2 seconds -do
> > making IBO useless until the bug was located.
> Really? What makes you think that TIBOQuery was requesting for default
> values? AFAIK, TIBOQuery doesn't have that capability...I can't make it
> that...I didn't *think*, I *observed*.
From IBODataSet.pas:
procedure TIBODataset.InternalInitFieldDefs;
NewFieldDef :=
TFieldDef.Create( FieldDefs,
Required and not IsDefaulted, < OBSERVE !!
FieldNo + 1 );
The IsDefault property is the sinner here, as it leads to a call to
SchemaDefaultedCols - which in its turn makes a select call to retreieve
default values.
I believe Jason has allready acknowledged this bug.
BTW, it may be solved with the following modification:
Required and not (ReadOnly or IsDefaulted),
Bj�rge S�ther