Subject Re: [IBO] TIBOQuery generating invalid SQL "under the hood"
Author Svein Erling Tysvaer
Hi Bjørge!

Just commenting this one line.

At 11:37 17.02.2003 +0100, you wrote:
>You actually mean "select * form tablex" is *bad* sql ? Come on !

In itself, of course not. But when used on a table without a primary key
and you leave KeyLinksAutoDefine true, then IBO fails due to transforming
it into 'select *, INVOICE.RDB$DBKEY'. Ideally, I think IBO ought to change
your SQL to 'select INVOICE.*, INVOICE.RDB$DBKEY' in such cases since this
is what it takes to avoid the error (if I remember the prior posts
correctly), but I certainly consider this more of a minor annoyance than a
major error.
