Subject | Re: [IBO] TIB_Text disappears in Run-time |
Author | Helen Borrie |
Post date | 2003-02-15T00:42:40Z |
At 03:45 PM 14/02/2003 +0000, you wrote:
the control. Either the dataset is not open, or the current row in the
dataset is null, blank or emptystr. Because it is a non-bordered control,
it is invisible when empty.
If this is not the case, check up on your colors. If the font color and
the control color are the same, the data won't be visible. Also look to see
whether the Visible property is true...
>Help! I am using a table TIB_Query with TIB_Text even so do I noticeIt possibly indicates that there is no data in the column which is bound to
>that component TIB_Text disappears in Run-time, what can be
>happening? Is a BUG of component TIB_Text?
the control. Either the dataset is not open, or the current row in the
dataset is null, blank or emptystr. Because it is a non-bordered control,
it is invisible when empty.
If this is not the case, check up on your colors. If the font color and
the control color are the same, the data won't be visible. Also look to see
whether the Visible property is true...