Subject Re: [IBO] Stopping IBO trying to access port 3050 on a local m/c
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:59 PM 13/02/2003 +1030, you wrote:
>IBObjects tries to set itself up as a server on port 3050 when it runs.

No, it doesn't. IBO is a client interface, even if your app is a server
tier. The client opens port 3050 to listen. By default it will listen on
port 3050 regardless of the URL of the server you are trying to connect
to. While running your IBO app, go into the command interface and type
NETSTAT -AN. Then you will see all of the ports that are
listening/established/waiting, including 3050. If the db server is on the
same machine, you'll see entries for both the local and foreign ports
located on localhost.

For Firebird (not IB) you can listen on a different port by including the
port in the connection string. See the releasenotes for the format of this.

>The firewall stops it, but I want my users to not see the firewall message
>and I
>want my app to not attempt to use the internet connection.
>How can I do this?

On Windows, the client has to be configured not to autodial when it gets a
TCP connection request.

We seem to be getting a few off-topics recently...
