Subject Help from paltalk
Help from the paltalk Automated Support System
ERDPS: 1045083871.15109.8 (DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE)
What you searched for:
Have you tried Atable.First instead of Atable.Post?
Marco Menardi
--- In, Chris Wallis <cwallis@a...> wrote:
> I need to perform a search under program control using a TIB_Query
> The SQL in the query is just:
> This is the genaral approach I tried that is not working:
> ATable.ClearSearch;
> ATable.Search;
> Atable.FieldByName('AField').AsString := Edit1.Text; {* Search Value *}
> Atable.Post;
> Can I use a general purpose query as described above to search a table
> programmatically? If yes, where can I find an example?
What was returned:
[ ] FAQ044.html
1) Email Parser in 'Send Paltalk'
[ ] FAQ_1065.htm
2) How to Create your Own Group
[ ] FAQ075.html
3) How to ADD/REMOVE Missing Multimedia Components
[ ] FAQ077.html
4) Checking for Multimedia capability
[ ] FAQ_1066.htm
5) File Transfer
[ ] FAQ_1043.htm
6) PalTalk Plus Payment Information
[ ] FAQ015.html
7) Finding and Adding Pals
[ ] FAQ_1049.htm
8) Sending a friend an invitation to join PalTalk
[ ] FAQ_1064.htm
9) Hands Free Voice Operation
[ ] FAQ078.html
10) How do I test my Audio capability?

Received: Wed Feb 12 13:04:31 PST 2003
Response: Wed Feb 12 13:04:33 PST 2003

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