--- In IBObjects@yahoogroups.com, Daniel Rail <daniel@a...> wrote:
> BTW, both FastReport(www.fast-report.com) and
> ReportBuilder(www.digital-metaphors.com) have support for IBO native
> components.
> So, if you don't intend to use a 3rd party query designer, then
> download the trial versions and give them a try yourself.
> The price might be another factor in your decision, depending on your
> budget.
Just to add that the Demo FastREPORT has not native IBO support, only
the purcased one has (after a macro set and a recompile). I use
FastREPORT with native IBO, and works for me. It's also very cheap
($99) and I never had to pay for upgrades in 2.xx series. There is a
forecoming 3.0 version, but it's not in beta yet, and a CLX version.
Marco Menardi