Subject Re: [IBO] Re: RePost : Cannot delete current row
Author Lester Caine
> My constrains are oke, it should raise the foreign key error.
> The first time i try to delete the record i get my foreign key
> constraint error, this is what it should do.
> When i retry to delete the same record after the fk error i get an
> IBO exception and not the fk error again.
> I only get the fk error back when i refresh the record or navigate
> away and back.

I would concider this the correct action. Once the first
error has been raised, then the query is closed until you
re-access it, or clear the problem. If you want something
different, then you need to reopen the query if you detect
the first error, the second error is saying that you have
not done anything about the first.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services