Subject Re: [IBO] DrawCell method query
Author Lester Caine
> no my fields are all populated - they are not null boolean Y/N fields
> I have since found that
> if (IB_Query1.BufferFields[4].AsString='Y') then
> works where
> if (IB_Query1.BufferFieldByName('myboolfield').AsBoolean='Y') then
> does not

This is Delphi stuff isn't it - AsBoolean will return
true/false not a character?
if (BufferFieldByName('myboolfield').AsBoolean) then

> Not sure why... any clues?
> secondly
> what is the difference between using the DrawCell event and the GetCellProps
> event for doing this task?
> Why is there a DrawCell and DrawFocusedCell when you can test for focused
> state in the DrawCell event anyway?

Historic compatibility ( I think <g> )

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services