Subject | R: R: [IBO] Failed to post all datasets |
Author | Antonio Avrini |
Post date | 2003-12-31T18:33:18Z |
At 18.52 30/12/2003 +0100, you wrote:
thank you for your support.
I tried to cut the relevant portion of the program in order to build the
test-case but I cannot reproduce the error in the sample. I still have the
exception in the full program so I must further investigate (is not easy as
it happens only after some transactions..).
Anyway I send you the sample with a small portion of the database (TEST.FDB)
and it will be great if you could take a look to see if the transactions are
managed correctly.
The purpose is to have one master table with details: if the user cancel the
edit, every record from detail & master must revert to the original state.
I have some more questions concerning the IB_Transaction component, may be
you can explain:
-what do you mean when you say <..this error fires only if the number of
"committed" datasets differs>?
-Is it related to the properties _DatasetCount, _StatementCount,
-I noticed that even if Autocommit is false, the transaction starts
automatically when the state of the attached query change to edit. Does this
mean that is not necessary to start manually the transaction?
I Apologize to bother you with so more questions and thank you again.
> >MarcoMarco,
>No calls are nested, only one where the commit or rollback is called from.
>The exception is always generated by calling the method commit.
>Setting Autocommit=true does not change the behaviour!
>I traced IBO sources, this error fires only if the number of "committed"
>datasets differs
>from the number of the datasets supposed to be committed.
>I don't understand what is causing this...
>Can you send me a test-case via email? a simple one?
>P.S. are you using cached updates? if not are you sure you haven't checked
>cached updates for mistake?
thank you for your support.
I tried to cut the relevant portion of the program in order to build the
test-case but I cannot reproduce the error in the sample. I still have the
exception in the full program so I must further investigate (is not easy as
it happens only after some transactions..).
Anyway I send you the sample with a small portion of the database (TEST.FDB)
and it will be great if you could take a look to see if the transactions are
managed correctly.
The purpose is to have one master table with details: if the user cancel the
edit, every record from detail & master must revert to the original state.
I have some more questions concerning the IB_Transaction component, may be
you can explain:
-what do you mean when you say <..this error fires only if the number of
"committed" datasets differs>?
-Is it related to the properties _DatasetCount, _StatementCount,
-I noticed that even if Autocommit is false, the transaction starts
automatically when the state of the attached query change to edit. Does this
mean that is not necessary to start manually the transaction?
I Apologize to bother you with so more questions and thank you again.