Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_DataSource.onDataChange
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hello Ulrich,

> Now I don't have any access violations any longer, but my code is
> still not working :-(
> with :
> procedure IB_DataSourceDataChange(Sender: TIB_StatementLink;
> Statement: TIB_Statement; Field: TIB_Column);
> begin
> if (Field<>NIL and Field.FieldName='myField') then...
> end;
> these condition seems to be NEVER true !!??

Did you define myField case-sensitively like this:

create table ThisTable
"myField" char( 8 ), // or whatever type

or case-insensitively:

create table ThisTable
myField char( 8 ), // or whatever type

In the latter case, the field name is stored in the database in
all-caps, so you have to test if Field.FieldName = 'MYFIELD'.

If you're not sure, test if UpperCase( Field.FieldName ) = 'MYFIELD'.

Or: if AnsiCompareText( Field.FieldName, 'myField' ) = 0.

> More than this. If I try to look which Fields are passing through
> with:
> if Field<>NIL then showMessage(Field.FieldName);
> nothing happens. Strange.

Are you sure the handler is still called at all? Maybe you could add
"... else ShowMessage( 'Field is nil' )" and see what happens.

Paul Vinkenoog