Subject Re: [IBO] Lost connection

I dont have solution. But I am facing a similar problem.
Can you check the interbase.log files on client and server.

During the time the connection is lost. On client I find

EDP1 (Client) Tue Dec 16 09:10:51 2003
INET/inet_error: read errno = 10054

on Linux server Tue Dec 16 10:51:40 2003
INET/inet_error: read errno = 104

The times are different because the client and server clocks are not synchronised.

The server is Red Hat 7.0

Firebird Classic Server 1.0.3 installed.

Since it is classic server only one thread is killed and the other clients are not affected.

We have not been able to identify the problem. It is very inconsistent. Has run for upto 10 days with no error and suddenly starts giving an error once an hour for a while and then the problem will again die down for a while. There does not seem to be any pattern regarding usage when this problem occurs.

Initially after reading many mails on this list I was very sure that 10054 was a network error so I kept telling the customer that it was a network problem. We tried all sort of things like installing the application on different machines etc.

However the errno = 104 on the server at the same point in time makes me suspect there is something else going wrong.

Recently on the list there was mail from Elena saying the problem went away after the Linux system was patched !!

Perhaps you can see if your problem is also similar



------------------Original Message-----------

From : "ronald_greven" <rs@...>
To :
Date : 16/12/2003 2:46:53 PM
Subject : [IBO] Lost connection

is there anyone who knows something about Linux-Servers or the
firebird-server under linux?

We used different linux-distributions (suse,mandrake...)
and we dont know why, but sometimes a running firebird connection is
If we start the application again, the firebird server is available
again. How could this happen?
Does anyone know, what this could be?

Best greetings


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