Subject Re: [IBO] IBO detect a wrong numerics field
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:52 PM 14/12/2003 +0800, you wrote:
>Helen Borrie wrote:
> >It doesn't detect it the wrong way. It receives the column attribute as
> >its SQLType. In Firebird, all fixed numerics with a precision higher than
> >10 have a precision of 18. An "underflow" - passing a value of lower
> >precision than the column declaration - does not cause problems. However,
> >on the server, you would get an exception passing a numeric that
> >*overflows* the declared precision. In your applications, you need to take
> >care of overflows to avoid this exception occurring on the server.
> >
> >But there is no exception occurring here. I think you have Before Insert
> >trigger in one or other of these tables that is messing up your "Amount"
> >value and making it null, or you are doing something with the input value
> >in your application code that is causing null to be posted.
> >
> >Please don't cross-post.
> >
> >Helen
> >
> >
> >
> >
>Iam sorry for the cross-post. I think I will reply here? since you
>respond me here. I dont have any before insert trigger.

You don't have any before insert trigger on the suppliercredit table?

>And I dont have
>any application code that is causing null to be posted. in the counter
>table the amount value to posted correctly. Where should I check this

In the other list, you amended your original report and said that the after
trigger did, after all, work with IBExpert. (First, you said it
didn't). IBO doesn't (can't) change what the server does. So if the
counter table is getting the correct value and the value isn't null, then
the problem is occurring somewhere between when the update gets posted and
when the AfterInsert trigger fires - regardless of whether you do the
insert with IBExpert, dbWorkbench, your app, or whatever.
