Subject Re: [IBO] cancelling the edits in detail table on master detail setup
Author James
Thanks Helen. May I ask a few more question?

Helen Borrie wrote:

> At 01:31 PM 12/12/2003 +0800, you wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >May I know what is the right way of cancelling all the edit you have
> >perform in a detail dataset on a master detail setup? Before Iam suing
> >cacheupdate to do this stuff. But since I've been reading that
> >cacheupdate isn't necessary in IBO.
> If you need the ability to cancel some edits and not others (literally
> cache the work) then you do need cached updates - just work through the
> cache buffer and call cancel on selected rows; or call
> Dataset.CancelUpdates to undo everything.
> In normal (real-time) work, to cancel the edits on the current row, call
> Dataset.Cancel or Row.CancelBuffers (or click the "X" button on the
> UpdateBar).
The following you mention above is to cancel only the current selected
row, right?

> To cancel all work in the transaction that is posted but not committed,
> call ib_transaction.rollback, or use CancelAll if you want to keep the
> transaction.
> Helen

What is the difference then between rollbackretaining and cancelall?

Why is it that I have read about not to use cacheupdate anymore in IBO?
Is it the cacheupdate in IBO has some problem?

Truly appreciate your help.

