Subject RE: [IBO] TIB_Query - weird problem
Author Franky Brandt
Thanks all

Managed to find the problem now.
It was indeed one of the query's that was linked to the other query that
was causing the troubles.
I still don't get what the calculated fields have to do with the linked
query but it's probably just for going into edit mode that they

Anyway, fixed now
thank you all


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Paul Vinkenoog [mailto:paul@...]
Verzonden: woensdag 10 december 2003 12:30
Onderwerp: RE: [IBO] TIB_Query - weird problem


> Am I blind, or do I really not see FH_UNIEK in your column list?

I couldn't find it too, until I noticed that it got line-broken in
the post:



> Ok, i added the fh_uniek field to the query, took out for update but
> the problem still remains.

Then you have FH_UNIEK twice in the select now.

Sorry, no idea what causes your problem. It must have something to do
with the calculated fields though, because if I understand you
correctly the problem arises as soon as you define a calculated field
(ANY calculated field?), even if you don't create a handler.

Do you have CalculateAllFields true? And if you have no calculated
fields: does the query still go into dssEdit after a post (but without
the values disappearing) or does it enter dssBrowse like expected?

And about the disappearing values: you say they are always the same
fields. Are they fixed fields? If you remove them from the select
clause, do other fields start disappearing or has the problem gone?

- 5 minutes later -

Hmmm, just re-read your post and I'm beginning to suspect the lookup
and detail queries that are hooked onto this dataset. Especially the
lookup queries. Can you unhook them and see what happens? Those
disappearing fields - are they in any way used in KeyLinks or
KeyDescLinks of lookup sets, or Master(Param)Links of detail sets?

I don't have any answers, but these are some things I would look into.

Paul Vinkenoog

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