Subject Re: [IBO] Scaleby in a form with a TIb_Grid
Author Apicito2003
I use Delphi 7 Pro.
I use this procedure for adjust the forms according to
the screen resolution. In each form:
if screen.Width <800 then / / 800 x 600
ScaleBy(128,100); / / Other 1024 x...
Reescale well all components of TIB_. But the
TIB_Grid.Col[x].width is not climbed correctly with
regard to the mark of the grid.

My apologies for my ignorance on this point.

Will you please provide more details about this?
What versions of Delphi support it, exactly what is
not working on the
TIB_Grid in regard to it.

I'd like a sample app, or to have one of mine modified
showing how this is
done, etc. May seem dumb that I ask but it saves me so
much time. Simple,
easy to follow instructions are helpful too.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Apicito2003" <apicito2003@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Scaleby in a form with a TIb_Grid

> scaleby is not a component, it's a method of the VCL
> of Delphi: See Delphi Help:
> "Delphi syntax:
> procedure ScaleBy(M, D: Integer);
> ScaleBy resizes a control without moving its upper
> left corner. This is similar to changing the
> Width properties, but the control also attempts to
> rescale and rearrange any child controls to maintain
> their relative size and placement.
> The M and D parameters define a multiplier and
> by which to scale the control. For example, to make
> control 75% of its original size, specify the value
> M as 75, and the value of D as 100. Any pair of
> that has the same ratio has the same effect. Thus M
> 3 and D = 4 also makes the control 75% of its
> size.
> To rescale the control's children without rescaling
> the control itself, use ScaleControls."
> This method works well with all the component TIB_
> except with TIB_Grid. Work well on the box of the
> but not the text.
> Thanks.

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