Subject Re: [IBO] IB_Cursor closes on post
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:02 AM 9/12/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>I did a simple experiment to use IB_Cursor to insert a record. I
>realise IB_Cursor closes (Active = false) automatically after
>posting. Just wondering if there's any way I can prevent it from
>closing at all?

It doesn't really "close" because there is nothing to close. You "close" a
buffered dataset. IB_Cursor is not buffered. It fetches one row at a time
into the a single-row buffer until it has fetched all of them. A row
exists in the row buffer until the next row arrives, then poof!! it is
gone. Once an ib_cursor has finished fetching rows, only the last row is
in the buffer. If it fetches past the last row, then the row buffer is empty.

Could you describe what your application needs to do, then someone can
recommend the best component to use for it.
