Subject RE: [IBO] Limit size of a field in Delphi
Author Franky Brandt
Thank you Daniel


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Daniel Rail [mailto:daniel@...]
Verzonden: vrijdag 5 december 2003 15:09
Onderwerp: Re: [IBO] Limit size of a field in Delphi


At December 5, 2003, 08:37, Franky Brandt wrote:

> Hi,

> I thought this would be simple but i can't figure it out :(

> Let's say i have a field in a table of varchar(60) but i have a
> who wants it to be 20 chars only.
> I can't change the database or the updatescripts as it has to be 60
> all other customers..and i'd prefer not to make a seperate version for
> one customer.
> With a IBOtable i can change the .FieldByName(afield).Size := 20; and
> .FieldByName(afield).DisplayWidth := 20; from code but i can't set the
> size of a field in TIb_Query

Look at the editmask field property. The edit mask to limit the entry
to 20 characters would be: cccccccccccccccccccc. You can search in
Delphi's help for TEditMask type to find what kind of syntax taht you
can use in a mask.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (

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