Subject Re: [IBO] Using IBOScrpt to update databases remotely?
Hi Lee

I'm doing the same thing as you , I plan to put my code eventually on the IBO and firebird site, so I would be only too pleased to share my code with you and swop ideas.

Email me directly if you would like to discuss this further.


----- Original Message -----
From: Lee Jenkins
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Using IBOScrpt to update databases remotely?

Jason Wharton wrote:

> IBO's script parser is much more solid that IBX's so that's a good start. I
> also have features which should make it more easy to customize your
> behavior. I have a set ignoreerror (spelling?) that allows you to have the
> script ignore exceptions on statements so the process isn't interrupted. You
> can also tap into the existing SET <token>=<value> parsing to customize
> things. This should make the parsing faster if you are allowing IBO to use
> its native parsing.
> IB_Script.pas is pretty friendly code so feel free to have a look in there
> for more information.
> HTH,
> Jason Wharton

I'm looking through the source now. Very nicely commented. I haven't
seen anthing yet, but is there any way to "pre" parse the script to see
if errors are *would* occur if before the script is run? Or that better
just handled inside a transaction?


Warm Regards,


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