Subject Re: [IBO] Does IBO need these libs?
Author Daniel Rail

At November 19, 2003, 14:30, abedna2000 wrote:

> I'm using registered version of IBO Dataset module v4.2, since then
> my app seems to require following libs.

> mfc42d.dll
> msvcrtd.dll
> msvcp60d.dll

> Notice the 'd' appendix in the library name.

> Being not an experienced MS Visual Studio C++/Windows programmer, I
> only guess that it could be the case that some of the libs/packages
> I'm using in my app were compiled in Debug mode under Visual Studio,
> AFAIK IBO is partially written in C++... ?

> Is there a way to track the dependecies, so I could really check
> what does require those libs?

Which Firebird version are you using? I recall that some betas and
RCs of FB 1.5 required them, I don't remember if that changed lately.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (