Subject RE: [IBO] FTS not getting insert or update
Author Olafur Gu?mundsson
I'm also using IBLogmanager and logging this same table and the triggers for
that are working ok.
There are only those two triggers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
Sent: 19. november 2003 11:54
Subject: Re: [IBO] FTS not getting insert or update

At 11:17 AM 19/11/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> I'm testing the FTS but I can't get it to grab new inserts or updates.
> It is like the trigger does not fire. I think it should go into table
>FTS$TABLENAME$Q but it doesn't.
>Can anyone help me one that.
>I'm using IBO4.2 and FB1.5

Are you committing the work and refreshing your views of the tables?


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