Subject Re: [IBO] SP problem
Author Helen Borrie
At 05:43 PM 18/11/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>Have such SP:
> declare variable ID decimal(15,0);
> ID = Gen_ID( "Gen_ID_BI" , 1 );
> insert into P_L( "ID","Name","City" )
> values ( :ID,:Name,:City );
>There are 2 TIB_Edit's with DataField's Name & City. Edit's connected to
>TIB_Query, which SQL is:
>select p."Name" , l."City" from PERSON p join LOCATION l on p."L_id"=l."L_id"
>InsertSQL is:
>execute procedure Proc_Insert( :Name, :City );
>Now, when I click button, queries Insert() method is called. But starting
>application raises exception "Invalid custom DML column reference: Name".
>What is wrong?
>Besides, am I right, that IBO will put Name & City params from edit's into
>dataset when insert is issued? What actions are performed when insert
>occures - post is needed or not?

Yes: but I think your problem is that your parameters in the EXECUTE
PROCEDURE call do not have the same names as the columns in the query and
so are not getting bound by the Insert call.

Try changing the InsertSQL to

execute procedure Proc_Insert( :"Name", :"City" );
