Subject | Re: [IBO] UDF Parameter Bug in IBO ???? |
Author | Helmut Steinberger |
Post date | 2003-11-17T18:12:02Z |
>With time in hand, probably. However, I believe you. I have run out ofI hope Jason will read this and I hope he could take a look at it.
>ideas. You will just have to wait until it is Monday in the US so Jason
>can take a look at the problem.
What I do not understand is, that I am the only one who has this
problem, or am I the only one using UDFs with more than 2 parameters?
>You need IBO 4.3 for Firebird 1.5 regardless.Yes, indeed, I am sure, I will have updated my IBO to the latest
version soon, without this problem, but yesterday I hoped, that the
update will solve the problem and so I was a little bit disappointed.
>Sorry! typo! that should be .., cast(:c as double precision)Doing:
select test_udf (cast(:a as integer), cast(:b as integer), cast(:c as
double precision))
as ret_value
from rdb$database
brings me the error:
An error was found in the application program input parameters for the
SQL statement.
Dynamic SQL Error.
SQL error code = -804.
Data type unknown.