Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Problem with sqltype
Author Daniel Rail

At November 16, 2003, 04:55, Helmut Steinberger wrote:

> I just updated to ibo4.3 but the problem still exists.
> It only gives me a little different errormessage.
> When I use the debugger to show me what is in parambyname
> ('dateparam').sqltype it shows me the value 496 which meens a integer
> value.
> The same value is in the sqltype property of the other parameters I
> pass to the udf. In that cases it is o.k., because they are integer
> parameters.

> Why does IBO show me the date parameter as an integer parameter?

Probably it's the server that thinks it's an integer. If that would
be the case, then it could be a bug in Firebird. In Firebird's
firebird.conf, did you put "OldParamtersOrdering = 1" or did you leave
it as is? If you changed to 1, what happens if you change it to the
default, which would be zero? Because of what I've heard, in Firebird
1.5 the "OldParamterOrdering = 1" is just a simulation of the bug and
not 100% guaranteed.

> When assigning a datevalue to the asdatetime property of the date
> parameter, I get an exception that the value is not a valid
> integervalue.

And if the above does really apply to you, or fails.
What happens if you pass the integer portion of your date value, which
would represent the date itself? Simply use Trunc(Date Value) to
achieve this.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (