Subject Re: [IBO] Problem with Search Mode
Author Christian Gütter
Hello Helen,

> Could be. Have you looked at the MasterSearch and MasterSearchFlags
> properties at all?

Yes, I have. I have played with them in the detail query but
the error was the same.

BTW, I have set up a test form with a simple query and
searching works like a charm. I seems that something is
wrong with my IB_Query.

I will try to disable the master-detail stuff and see
what happens.


PS: BTW, these are the properties of my query:

object qMakler: TIB_Query
ColumnAttributes.Strings = (
DatabaseName = 'localhost:makler3'
FieldsDisplayLabel.Strings = (
FieldsVisible.Strings = (
IB_Connection = dmMain.cnMain
SQL.Strings = (
ColorScheme = False
DefaultValues.Strings = (
KeyLinks.Strings = (
MasterSearchFlags = []
OrderingItemNo = 1
OrderingItems.Strings = (
OrderingLinks.Strings = (
RequestLive = True
SearchedDeletes = False
SearchingLinks.Strings = (
BeforePost = qMaklerBeforePost
BufferSynchroFlags = []
FetchWholeRows = True
Left = 56
Top = 536