Subject Re: [IBO] A Correct way for browse and detail queries with IBO
Author Gediminas
Ou, I see the idea ;-) nothing special, only small trick..... no need for
code :)))

At 2003-11-13 00:36, you wrote:
>It is so simple to do that it would be easier for you just to DO it. Just
>set up your dataset, e.g. select * from employee, if you like. Set up the
>attributes so that the grid displays only the EMP_NO (READ ONLY) and the
>FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME. In a panel, lay down data-aware edit components
>for each column you want in the "detail" display. Drop a navigation bar in
>as well. Set the datasource's dataset property and set all of the controls
>to use that datasource.

--/ Gediminas /--
The Truth Is Out There