Subject Re: [IBO] Default Values
Author ben_sollis
Hi Nando, thanx for the reply..

> unless you ahve been doing things in a really unusual way, your
> does not need the BDE at all. You should have the BDE datasets in

Sorry, I meant the Midas server..

> cases. I find Lucas' suggestion in this thread more appropriate for
> your problem.

The problem with that is;

From what I understand, Lucas is suggesting I use native IBO.
The primary reason we decided to try IBO was because of its claimed
ability to be able to convert from BDE to non-BDE in a simple and
efficient manner.

So far, this has turned out to be a falsehood. If I was to start
using native IB Components, then I have to ask; Why use IBO instead
of IBX, which are free and come with sources?

So far, I am sure IBO can do what I want, I "want" IBO to do what I
want, but stupid silly little things just keep popping up.

It's like I said to Helen in a seperate mail, it's a chicken and egg
scenario. I cant buy the sources until I can prove they work. I can't
prove they work, with out them :)

Anyways, Onwards we go, I shall give it another few days.

Again, thanx for the replies!
