Subject Re[2]: [IBO] ICS ERROR
Author Gulut1
Tuesday, November 11, 2003, 1:56:30 PM, Helen Borrie wrote:
HB> You are using a version of mastsql.gdb that was created with InterBase 4,
HB> trying to run it under IB 6 or Firebird. Where did you find that old version?

it comes with Delphi 5.
i copy the file to IBO example folder.
i download evaluation version of IBO from

HB> The MasterLinks sample connects to C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMMON FILES\BORLAND
HB> shared\DATA\mastsql.gdb. If your Delphi version is 5 or higher, you should
HB> have an ODS 9 or 10 version of the database there (both OK for Firebird to
HB> connect to)

at home i have one comes with delphi 7, it works well.

HB> However....

HB> I'm suspicious. The MasterLinks demo doesn't come with a copy of
HB> mastsql.gdb installed in its path. What *might* be happening is that the
HB> real exception is that it can't find the database in the default path, and
HB> you are seeing the wrong message for that error. The "wrong message"
HB> problem will occur if you are using Firebird 1.5 but you have not updated
HB> the message file.

I will try get another copy of the file first.

HB> Helen

Thank you Helen.
