Subject Re: Default Values
Author Marco Menardi
--- In, "ben_sollis" <ben.sollis@a...> wrote:
> >
> > If you set the ColumnAttributes to specify that a column is boolean
> and
> > properly configure it then it should work for the TDataset based
> components
> > as well.
> >
> > Jason Wharton
> Hi Jason, can I clarify..
> I have hundreds of queries in a legacy server to convert from BDE.
> You are saying I have to go into each column property of very query
> and set it's default value?
> This worked fine with BDE, it used default values etc etc..
> Why so much work?
> Also, if a field is not filled in, in this way, is it likely to cause
> a "field value required" error? (Which is what I am getting now)
> Thanx in advance,
> Ben

I use native components, not TDataset descendant, but have a look at
the Tech Sheet "RAD with IBO" and see what is aplicable to TDataset
also (since TDatasets share the "insides" with native components
somewhere). Or unleash all the power of Firebird+IBO and use native
components (longer to convert, but much better).
Marco Menardi