Subject Re: [IBO] Problem with records disappear in dbgrid(detail db).
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:06 PM 5/11/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>I have a problem when using a master-detail and the detail is a
>dbgrid. When a new record is posted in the dbgrid the row disappears
>and a refresh won't cure it. Doing a next and previous will get the
>record back in the grid again. I have made some changes to KeyLinks
>in the TIBOTable but im not sure im doing it right. If I understand
>it right its only the PK thats suppose to be there.

It's usually the PK. The requirement is that it consists of enough columns
to identify each row uniquely **in the database table**.

> Nothing meantion
>if the PK has several fields so I guessed and put this into the
>KeyFields meaning all 3 fields are in the PK.

You shouldn't touch KeyFields. IBO builds it from metadata and, if it
can't do it, it reads KeyLinks.


If this is the primary key of the detail table then it should be in the
KeyLinks property, just as you have it here (each column on its own
line). KeyLinks is a stringlist.
