Subject RE: [IBO] Please Help - How to extract DDL
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:26 AM 5/11/2003 +1000, you wrote:
> >It looks like I can Extract everything in one hit and refer to
> >IB_Metadata1.CurrEntity in the OnProgress event! By the looks of it I
> >can get all the info I need from the CurrEntity object (I won't find
> >out until Tomorrow as it's knock-off time here in Oz ;o)).
>Dang, I was wrong. I can use the TIB_MetaData.OnProgress event to get the
>current object and the ddl source if it's a stored procedure but I can't
>seem to get the script ddl for the current object in this event? :o(
>Any ideas anyone? Do I really need to create a parser to parse the entire
>outputted scripted?

Open the IB_SQL.dpr project and look at the procedure MetadataFilterByName
in IBF_Metadata.pas.
Use the Filters tab yourself in the running application (IB_SQL). The
source is there, it shouldn't be too hard to code something similar to suit
whatever you're using as an input selector.
