Subject RE: [IBO] Server connections
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> Can someone point me to the right format for connecting to a db on a
> server?
> Given: asgard_nt:f:/Test/FMS/Data/demoFMS.gdb as the db

Do you mean how a remote TCP/IP connect string in general
should look like or do you want to know the IBO way?

Assumed your server is running under Windows (the _nt
in your server name makes me think so), then the remote
TCP/IP connect string looks like:


The path f:\... has to be the physical path from the
server's POV.

So, the client needs to know the physical path to the
database on the server. You haven't mentioned what
IB/FB server version you are using. If it is Firebird
1.5 and you dislike that the client needs to know the
physical path, then you might consider setting up an
database alias in aliases.conf.

Btw, so far, your question and my answer would better
fit into the firebird-support newsgroup. ;-)

To connect to a remote database with IBO, simply drop
a TIB_Connection component onto your form/datamodule,
and fill out the following properties as follows:

Path = f:\Test\FMS\Data\demoFMS.gdb
Protocol = cpTCP_IP
Server = asgard_nt

Thomas Steinmaurer

The IB LogManager Product Family
Logging/Auditing Suite for InterBase and Firebird