Subject | Re: [IBO] TIBOQuery modify Order affects Params |
Author | teamtlas |
Post date | 2003-10-29T08:42:34Z |
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
I can't see how it can possibly be a Delphi error as the first query
open works fine and if I substitute Infopower TwwQuery for TIBOQuery
there is no problem.
I am using Delphi 7, IBO 4 (dowloaded 3 days ago), IB 6 and my date
format is dd/mm/yy.
Mark H (teamtlas)
> At 03:38 AM 29/10/2003 +0000, you wrote:causes
> >Hi
> >
> >I am converting a number of BDE applications to IBO. Many of these
> >apps modify the Query SQL strings "ORDER BY" clause dynamically in
> >response to user input. The queries generally contain parameterised
> >"WHERE" clauses.
> >
> >The problem I am having is that since converting to IBO the first
> >"Open" of a query executes fine but after closing the query and
> >modifying the "ORDER BY" clause dynamically, the second "Open"
> >parameter problems such as "nn/nn/nn nn:nn:nn.nnnn is not a validvariable is
> >date and time".
> This is a Delphi error, not a database one. Somehow your Date
> passing a string that Delphi can't parse as a valid date/time.could be a
> What version of IBO are you using? If it's a fairly old one, it
> problem with the way IBO used to parse date inputs -- long agofixed.
>gets to
> Try to intercept Date and inspect what's being passed, before it
> the AsDateTime call. Delphi is very US-centric about data formats.Our
> 25/12/2003 isn't a valid date in Delphi.though
> You'll find better ways in IBO to manage the parameter swapping and
> ordering, as well, though I don't think your current approach,
> hairy, is necessarily the cause of your current problem.Helen,
> Helen
I can't see how it can possibly be a Delphi error as the first query
open works fine and if I substitute Infopower TwwQuery for TIBOQuery
there is no problem.
I am using Delphi 7, IBO 4 (dowloaded 3 days ago), IB 6 and my date
format is dd/mm/yy.
Mark H (teamtlas)