Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Parser messes up SQL containing FIRST
Author Ricardo
P L E A S E ,

I don't want more receive e-mails from list, but I still want see the messages by web site.
What can I do ?

----- Original Message -----
From: aleksander_oven
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 11:53 AM
Subject: [IBO] Re: Parser messes up SQL containing FIRST


> My guess is that it wouldn't have much priority. It's not exactly a
> "killer bug" - it really just showed up with your unexpected
> (uncommon) conditions. Most people using IBO want the performance
> and accuracy of keyed structures.

I agree. I do want both performance and accuracy myself, I just need
to start thinking in different terms than I'm used to.

Thanks for all the help!

Kind regards,
Aleksander Oven

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