Subject Re: [IBO] Strange behaviour of TIB_IncSearch
Author Florian Hector
> e.g.
> procedure TfmMyForm.ClearTheText(SE: TIB_IncSearch);
> begin
> with SE.DataSource.Dataset as TIB_BDataset do
> ClearIncSearchString;
> end;
> procedure TfmMyForm.IB_IncSearch1Exit(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> ClearTheText( IB_IncSearch1 );
> end;


this only clears the IB_IncSearch when the focus exits the editbox, but when
search for a value, the box is never left. Maybe I explain a little more in

Name First Street
Borrie Helen Round Circle
Reagan Ronald Sixpackstreet
Wharton Jason Thisstreet
Sixpack Joe Whatnot 34
No Street
No Street2
No Street 3

When I now search on column Street for value 'Thisstreet', I type 'T',
normally the row with Ronald Reagan ought to be found. Here, not so.
Instead, the last row becomes the active one. I type 'h', nothing changes, I
type 'i', still the active row does not move.
The edit box reads 'Thi', only when I now start to delete letters with
backspace, in my example I delete the 'i' so that my searchstring reads
'Th', the active row moves to the one with 'Thisstreet'.
