Subject Re: [IBO] [newbie] Connection?
Author Daniel Rail

> Hi all.

> At this point I'm studying "Tutorial1", on the folder:
> "......\IBO\Tutorials\BasicTutorials".

> As I see, the database path, server name, username and password are
> on the program itself.

> Is there any way that I manage this dynamically?
> On my computer, I want to use a local database. On a client, I would
> use a network database. If I get more clients, then the path and
> server name could be different.

Those properties can be set in run-time before you connect to the
database. I do it all the time.

Here's a quick example:

IB_Connection1.Path := 'c:\MyPath';
IB_Connection1.Server := 'My Server';
IB_Connection1.Protocol := cpTCP_IP;
IB_Connection1.Username := 'SYSDBA';
IB_Connection1.Password := 'masterkey';

Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (