Subject Re: [IBO] ExecuteImmediate
Author Maik Wojcieszak
I found it !! ;-)
use AllocMem instead of GetMem and it works.

On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 11:10:49 +0100, Maik Wojcieszak wrote:

>The examples in the ib API Reference did not say anything
>about setting the sqld value ;-(
>Thanks for that hint - now my function work in a way
>but I have an dsql error wich sometimes apear sometimes not.
>I cannot see at the moment why this happens.
>does somebody know about this ?
>The error is reported as:
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:CTL:SQL Error: -303
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- ISC ERROR CODE:335544569
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:---
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- ISC ERROR MESSAGE:
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- Dynamic SQL Error
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- SQL error code = -303
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:---
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:CTL:Error Codes : 335544569
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- 335544569
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- 1
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- 335544436
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- 4
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:CTL:SQL Message :
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- SQL ERROR CODE:-303
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:---
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- SQL ERROR MESSAGE:
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:--- Incompatible column/host variable data type
>2003 Jan 08 10:33:34:WPS:CTL:SQL :
>The function reporting this error declares the variable XSQLDA and
>sql as.
> imageid : longint;
> datid : longint;
> list_id : longint;
> ImgFile : TFileStream;
> mdsql : TIB_DSQL;
> sqlt : string;
> blob_id : ISC_QUAD;
> index : integer;
> in_sqlda : PXSQLDA;
> nullind : smallint;
> _fname,_ext : string;
> // the query
> nullind := 0;
> // open FileTab
> ImgFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
> imageid := ResolveObjImageID(CurrentObject);
> datid := ResolveOrgImageID(imageid);
> list_id := plist;
> // inialize dsql object
> mdsql := TIB_DSQL.Create(nil);
> with mdsql do begin
> IB_Connection := _ProdBase;
> IB_Transaction := _ScriptTransaction;
> OnError := _OnIBError;
> try
> GetMem(in_sqlda, XSQLDA_LENGTH( 5 ));
> blob_id := WriteBlobToDB(ImgFile,mdsql);
> in_sqlda.version := SQLDA_VERSION1;
> in_sqlda.sqln := 5;
> in_sqlda.sqld := 5;
> // set the parameters
> index := 0;
> with in_sqlda.sqlvar[ index ] do begin
> sqltype := SQL_BLOB+1;
> sqldata := @blob_id;
> sqlsubtype := 0;
> sqllen := sizeof(ISC_QUAD);
> sqlind := @nullind;
> end;
> index := 1;
> _fname := ExtractFileName(filename);
> with in_sqlda.sqlvar[index] do begin
> sqltype := SQL_TEXT+1;
> sqldata := PCHAR(_fname);
> sqllen := Length(_fname);
> sqlind := @nullind;
> end;
> index := 2;
> _ext := ExtractFileExt(filename);
> with in_sqlda.sqlvar[index] do begin
> sqltype := SQL_TEXT+1;
> sqldata := PCHAR(_ext);
> sqllen := Length(_ext);
> sqlind := @nullind;
> end;
> index := 3;
> with in_sqlda.sqlvar[index] do begin
> sqltype := SQL_LONG+1;
> sqldata := @list_id;
> sqllen := 4;
> sqlind := @nullind;
> end;
> index := 4;
> with in_sqlda.sqlvar[index] do begin
> sqltype := SQL_LONG+1;
> sqldata := @datid;
> sqllen := 4;
> sqlind := @nullind;
> end;
> ExecuteImmediate(sqlt,in_sqlda);
> finally
> ImgFile.Free;
> FreeMem(in_sqlda);
> mdsql.Destroy;
> end;
> end;
>On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 13:39:44 -0700, Jason Wharton wrote:
>>You need to set the sqld value as well as the sqln.
>>In fact, I think sqld is more important.
>>sqln is to track how many columns are in the structure and sqld tells how
>>many are actually intended for use in the execute. This would allow you to
>>have a structure defined with more column places but separately tell that
>>only some of them are intended for use.
>>Jason Wharton
>>CPS - Mesa AZ
>>-- We may not have it all together --
>>-- But together we have it all --
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Maik Wojcieszak" <mw@...>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 12:16 PM
>>Subject: [IBO] ExecuteImmediate
>>> Hi,
>>> can anyone give me an example using IBStatement.ExecuteImmediate
>>> with input parameters ?
>>> in_sqlda := AllocMem( XSQLDA_LENGTH( 1 ));
>>> in_sqlda.version := SQLDA_VERSION1;
>>> in_sqlda.sqln := 1;
>>> val := 'Blah';
>>> in_sqlda.sqlvar[0].sqldata := PChar(Val);
>>> in_sqlda.sqlvar[0].sqltype := SQL_TEXT;
>>> in_sqlda.sqlvar[0].sqllen := Length(val);
>>( ? )',
>>> in_sqlda);
>>> does not work ( invalid type or number of parameters)
>>> thanks,
>>> maik
>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>> Maik Wojcieszak
>>> wobe-team (
>>IB Objects - direct, complete, custom connectivity to Firebird or InterBase
>> without the need for BDE, ODBC or any other layer.
>> - your IBO community resource for Tech Info papers,
>>keyword-searchable FAQ, community code contributions and more !
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>Maik Wojcieszak
>wobe-team (
>IB Objects - direct, complete, custom connectivity to Firebird or InterBase
> without the need for BDE, ODBC or any other layer.
> - your IBO community resource for Tech Info papers,
>keyword-searchable FAQ, community code contributions and more !
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to