Subject Re: [IBO] FieldByName with table alias
Author Boris Schlüszler
Hi Helen!

Helen Borrie schrieb:
> At 12:48 AM 23-08-02 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hi!
> >
> >select * from table customer
> >left join table copyto on
> >left join table secondcopy on
> This syntax won't work.

The SQL query works perfectly well.
My problem is, that I can't access the result set from IBO because I
can't uniquely name the columns (I could get them via index [] however).

Say, in table are two fields:

ID integer
NAME char(40)

The above query results (FullFieldNames):

TABLE.ID (customer)
TABLE.NAME (customer)
TABLE.ID (copyto)
TABLE.NAME (copyto)
TABLE.ID (secondcopy)
TABLE.NAME (secondcopy)

The table aliases (customer, copyto, and secondcopy) are not interpreted
by IBO.
I don't want to use FieldIndexes. So, how can I access "copyto.NAME"
from IBO?
With ParamByName('ID').AsString I will get customer.ID and not

Regards, Boris