Subject Re: [IBO] Problem with Installation on D4 C/S
Author Raymond Kennington
The error is now:

Class TNMSMTP not found

Why would this NetMaster's component be required (if it is one in that component set)?

Raymond Kennington

"Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)" wrote:
> >At 04:47 PM 08-08-02 +0930, Raymond Kennington wrote:
> > >Everything appeared to run smoothly until I tried to create a new IB
> > >Service Base Module.
> > >
> > >I don't know what such a module is nor what it's used for, but it was the
> > >next item in the
> > >installation file, so I decided to test whether it had been installed
> > >correctly.
> > >
> > >The messages are:
> > >
> > > Error creating Form: Invalid Stream Format
> I wrote:
> >The DFM file has been saved as text. D4 doesn't support that. What I'll
> >do is try to save the forms as binary in D5 - if that works, I'll post a
> >zipfile up into the Contributed Code area of the website...
> Well, I ran into problems myself with the D4 installation and so can't test
> this in the D4 repository against a full IBO4 install. But here's a binary
> version of the dfm file - try it and see whether the streaming problem
> disappears:
> > >then
> > >
> > > Error in module IBS_Base: Declaration of Class T is missing or incorrect.
> >
> >"Class T" sounds weird. Could you try to trap that error again and see
> >where in the code it is raised?
> Still interested in this, if it recurs...
> regards,
> Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
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