Subject Re: [IBO] Speed up reading every row in an TIB_Cursor
> > The fast fix would be to set AutoFetchAll on the cursor,
> > then you are working with all the data already downloaded to
> > your machine, but I would be looking to remove the need to
> > do that at all!
> AutoFetchAll seems not to work, when the IBO-Controls are used within a thread.
> (The thread owns a TIB_Sessios, which itselfs owns a TIB_Connection, a TIB_Transaction and
> a TIB_Cursor). The software seems to hang after a few rows are fecthed.

That would seem to be a starting point.

AutoFetchAll just tells the TIB_Cursor to fill all it's
buffers when the connection is opened. If something is
stopping that happening, then it may be the same thing that
is slowing down the 'read line by line' access. There should
be no difference?

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services