Subject Re: [IBO] feature not supported?
Author txwhytboy
--- In IBObjects@y..., Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> At 11:21 PM 08-07-02 +0000, you wrote:
> >I have this code...
> >
> >with DataModule1.IBDSQL1 do
> >begin
> > if not Prepared then
> > Prepare;
> > ParamByName('Field1').AsInteger := 0;
> > Execute;
> >end;
> >
> >running on a TIB_DSQL component with the SQL...
> >
> >Insert into Table1 (Field1) VALUES(:Field1)
> >
> >However, when it goes to run the ParamByName.... I get a '-901
> >feature not supported error'...
> >
> >Anyone seen this before.. or know what that error is?
> No: but it's probably happening on the Prepare, due to no
> being started...
> Helen

Ok so Ive surrounded it in a IBTransaction.StartTransaction and a
IBTransaction.Commit around it... same problem.. Any more

- Roger