Subject Re: [IBO] onpreparesql & odd behaviour
Author Daniel Rail
At 27/06/2002 03:37 PM, you wrote:
>heres the relevant code fragments
>FQueryList is declared in the classes protected section
> I : Integer;
> M : TMethod;
> FQueryList := TStringList.Create;
> for I:=0 to ComponentCount -1 do
> begin
> if(Components[I] is TIBODataSet)then
> begin
> if IsPublishedProp(Components[I], 'OnPrepareSql') then
> begin
> M.Code := MethodAddress('QueryOnPrepareSql');
> if Assigned(M.Code) then
> SetMethodProp(Components[I], 'OnPrepareSql', M );
> end; // OnPrepareSql
>& heres the onpreparesql
>procedure TDataSetDM.QueryOnPrepareSql(Sender : TObject);
> TIBOQuery(Sender).SQLWhereItems.AddStrings(FQueryList);
> FQueryList.Clear;
>no rocket science here.....

You are right the code is straight forward. And I can confirm the error,
and it only happens if you assign the method to the event in run-time. I
even tried with only 1 TIBOQuery on the datamodule, the same error
occurs. An error(EAccessViolation) occurs when using TIB_Query with the
same code adapted for TIB_Query. The EAccessViolation error occurs when
trying to add to SQLWhereItems. For TIBOQuery, I was able to isolate the
error occurring when it's trying to make reference to
InternalDataset.SQLWhereItems. In the case for TIB_Query, the error occurs
as soon as you try to reference SQLWhereItems.

Unfortunately, I don't have a solution at the moment for you. Maybe,
someone else might have an idea.

Jason, if you want, I can send you a small test app, so you could see for

Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (