Subject Re: [IBO] TDataset and IBTransactions
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:54 PM 24-06-02 +0700, you wrote:
>Dear All,
>I'm trying out IBO, but only interested in the TDataset-compatible
>components, since I have several home-grown data aware components
>that relies on the normal TDatasource/TDataset relationship.
>I came across a statement in the help file that says something
>to the effect that the TIBOTable/TIBOQuery component mimic
>the BDE behaviour of wrapping everything inside ONE AUTOCOMMIT
>TRANSACTION. Is this true?
>Since I am more familiar with IBX, is there a way to use
>TIBOTable/TIBOQuery with explicit transaction support? For
>example, in a master-detail insert situation, I would like
>to wrap everything in a transaction, which I can
>commit/rollback at the end. I think this is not possible (??)
>with AUTOCOMMIT operations.
>Many thanks in advance,

It looks as if you misunderstood the documentation! You CAN mimic the
AutoCommit behaviour of the "lazy BDE programmer" but with IBO you can have
as much flexibility as you like with your transactions.

There is a default transaction embedded in the TIBODatabase, in which you
can set all of the behaviours you want for that transaction. For
documentation of the properties and methods, see the help for
TIB_Connection and TIB_Transaction, from which TIBO jointly inherits.

If you need to further isolate tasks in other transactions, simply drop a
TIBOTransaction into your form or datamodule. Full doc is under
TIB_Transaction, from which TIBOTransaction inherits.

Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)

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