Subject Re: [IBO] howto: Save and Reuse Login Information
Author Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)
At 03:06 PM 17-06-02 -0700, you wrote:
>I searched the list for login/TIB_Connection/Connection but did not find
>anything to help me... So if someone could point me in the right direction,
>I would be quite pleased!
>When a user logs into the app correctly, I would like to capture the
>username and role to write those to the registry.
>When the app starts up again, I would like to populate the TIB_Connection
>with the saved username and role values for the user. I'll save the values
>in the registry under HKEY_CURRENTUSER, that's not a problem...
>Where and when is the best place to get the values used on a successful
>And where and when is the best place to put them so they show up in the
>login dialog?
>We're using:
> D6 Pro
> IBO 4.2.Ha
> TIB_Connection.LoginPrompt := TRUE

Use the PasswordStorage property. The various options are documented under
this property in the IB_Connection help. Click TIB_PasswordStorage to see
the options (it's an enumerated set). IBO will do all the Registry stuff
for you.

Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)

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