Subject Re: [IBO] Syncronizing transactions
Author Metin Gonen
> The way I'm using to syncronize several clients is following.
> After update transaction completes, client performing update
> sends notification over TCP/IP to all other interested clients.
> Notifocation contains information about update type
> (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE), updated table identifier and
> key information (NOTIFY_KEY_INFO).
> Clients interested to reflect updates perform something
> like this when update notification hase been received:
> IB_Query.InvalidateSQL;
> IB_Query.RefreshKeys;
> on UPDATEs
> IB_Query.KeyFields.Values['KEY_FILED_NAME']:=NOTIFY_KEY_INFO;
> bookmark:=IB_Query.KeyFields.RowData;
> IB_QueryJournal.InvalidateBookmark(bookmark);
> Regards, vicser

If it is possible can you show this with a small example .?


Metin Gonen